Today, in reading Chapters 3-6 of Exodus, here are some thoughts that came to mind and a little Quiz for those that are interested: 

First: when God told Moses He would send 'him' to deliver His people from Pharaoh and Egypt, what question did God ask Moses? 

Second: what were the first two miracles that God showed Moses, when Moses asked God "But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, 'The Lord has not appeared to you.'" 

Then there was a difference in the movie "The Ten Commandments" when the water was turned into blood and the Biblical account. Can you tell what that difference was? 

And finally, what were the excuses Moses tried to use when God told him that He would use 'him' to deliver His people? 

After God answered all of Moses excuses, what did he say then?? 

Dr. David Jeremiah says that "When it comes to the will of God, commitment comes first and confirmation comes second. We want to reverse this order. Waiting for the confirmation means you will never make the commitment. Obedience First (to what is already revealed) and then New Instruction is second. 

Let's see how many people really know their story of Moses' encounter with God at the Burning Bush! 


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